Originally Posted by kbilla
That and a player diving for a loose ball and sliding with it not being a travel.
Yet another example of the NBA rules making our job more difficult. It is a travel in the NBA if a player slides and gains an advantage.
Originally Posted by kbilla
Had a coach jump down my shirt for that last night, I was C right in front of her bench and the player slid to a stop right in front of us both...she screams in my ear "HOW IS THAT NOT A TRAVEL!" ....
Originally Posted by kbilla
Then when I tell her without looking at her "Coach she has every right to slide with that basketball and come to a stop" she goes "Geez I was just asking", ha! Also had a 5-second count on a player that was divided between two defenders on a switch and the other coach jumps me for that, "HOW CAN IT BE 5-SECONDS WHEN THEY SWITCH?!?!"...then I hear his assistant set him straight....wanted to really laugh on that one, insert foot in mouth....
Two in one night!?! You may wish to consider adopting the NV rule. If a coach complains about a call and is wrong on the rule, it is an automatic T.