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Old Tue May 14, 2002, 08:39pm
Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. is offline
Join Date: Sep 1999
Location: Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.
Posts: 8,101
In March, I was an alternate juror in a liablity case: a neurosurgeon was being sued by a former patient. The jury spent less than 45 minutes before finding for the neurosurgeon. Fortunately for the neurosurgeon, the eight members and two alternates were all college graduates and were able to understand the complexities of the case and it indeed was complex. But the case was a perfect example of why I believe that tort cases involving the scientific professions should be tried in special courts where there is peer revue instead of a jury of people not learned in the science involved.
Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Trumbull Co. (Warren, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Wood Co. (Bowling Green, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Ohio Assn. of Basketball Officials
International Assn. of Approved Bkb. Officials
Ohio High School Athletic Association
Toledo, Ohio
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