Originally Posted by Ignats75
But that is never how the the NFHS addresses these types of T's. They must be caught the first time only.
You are not listening. People have told you many times now that what you think is simply not true, yet you keep insisting that it is.
We can't change your mind. You are going to have to do that or elect to continue to misapply the rules.
BTW there is an NFHS interp this very year about a team taking an excess time-out but it isn't recognized or penalized right away that it is more than the alloted number. The ruling is to penalize it when discovered even if that is much later in the game. It is simply not the case that these things must be caught immediately in order to assess a T. Now please reconsider your stance.
Here is the current NFHS interp:
SITUATION 11: A1 requests and is granted an excessive time-out. The excessive time-out is discovered (a) immediately; (b) when A1 has the ball at his/her disposal for a throw-in following the time-out; (c)
during a dead ball after three minutes have elapsed off the game clock. RULING: In (a), (b) and (c), assess a team technical foul to Team A for the excessive time-out. Team B is awarded two free throws and the ball for a division line throw-in. The penalty for an excessive time-out is assessed when discovered. (10-1-7 Penalty)