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Old Mon Nov 19, 2007, 09:57am
Rev.Ref63 Rev.Ref63 is offline
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Posts: 149
Originally Posted by tomegun
My question is why not two steps? Why not 2.25 feet?
A lot of questions could be avoided if you would not read more into the situation than is there. My opinion is that the posture A1 took was unsporting. I would back him up a step to remedy that specific issue.

Before giving the inbounder the ball do you say, "OK, you can start to play defense now?"
Not applicable in the least.

How long does a player have to be in another players "personal space" before it becomes an issue and you step in to make the player move?
As soon as it becomes unsporting in my opinion.

What if the offensive player is part of an offensive play that requires him to move towards the defensive player? Do you tell him he can't since you moved the defensive player out of his personal space?
Again, not applicable. This has nothing to do with "personal space." The issue is unsportsmanlike conduct. To make it any more than that is answering a different question. May I remind you of the title of this thread? It is "Unsportsmanlike?".

If you think a player is breaking a rule, apply the penalty.
My point exactly. It is at that very point that I would step in.

I think I might have more problems with all the adjustments that would have to be made.
No other adjustments need be made. This is a very simple situation that can be taken care of by one explanation. Again, I can't imagine any coach having a problem with that. Actually, his defender will be far more effective if he backed up a step.
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