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Old Sun Nov 18, 2007, 01:05am
TimTaylor TimTaylor is offline
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref
If what you say is true and can be confirmed, then I truly feel sorry for the kid. It is irresponsible for the adult coaches and team doctors involved to put this kid out there with that injury. They certainly weren't thinking about his health and future. I would consider a lawsuit.
Oh it's true, but there won't be any lawsuit - all the gory details broke in a news conference yesterday the paper today, and they came directly from those involved. The results of the MRI were kept confidential at the request of Dixon & his family. It was Dixon that lobbied the coaches to let him play, knowing full well the risk he was taking. I still think the coaching staff was doubly stupid - both for agreeing to let him take the risk and for not having a backup plan.
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