We have a new assignor up in my neck of the woods who is a great guy and very fair. I actually have a crummy schedule in his conference which has nothing to do with him. More on transition of new assignor and projected job obligations on my end. He has filled me in on a handful of Varsity games already and I've offered, if he needs me, to take lower level games, which I'm glad to do for him, last minute. Anytime I'm open, I'll help.
It does get frustrating from time to time, had an assignor in a small girls conference with mediocre at best ball tell me I needed at least 5-6 years before he will consider me at varsity level. I had already done a TV game at this point.
I use my Dad's philosophy he used to lay on me as a kid, "You are no better than anyone else, but you're just as good". There are plenty of officials around here that I really admire and have a long way to go to being considered an equal, but sometimes I'm at a big game somewhere as a spectator thinking I'm 'just as good.'