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Old Thu Nov 15, 2007, 08:12pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by a4caster
He says anytime you yell "foul" it is automatic intentional. I tried to explain that it was a poe to combat excessive contact fouling in this situation, but the coach calling foul doesn't unlock the door. Did I miss something on the POE's lately, or is this coach being himself?
Here is the current NFHS position on this.


3. Intentional Fouls.
B. Late in the game. Fouling is an accepted coaching strategy and is utilized by nearly all coaches in some form. It is viewed as a chance for a team behind in the score to get back in the game while the clock is stopped. There is widespread belief that it works or it wouldn't be coached.
There is a right way and a wrong way to foul. Coaches must instruct their players in the proper technique for strategic fouling. "Going for the ball" is a common phrase heard, but intentional fouls should still be called on players who go for the ball if it is not done properly. Conversely, a coach who yells, "Foul!" instructions to his or her team does not mean the ensuing foul is "automatically" an intentional foul – even though it is a strategic foul designed to stop the clock. Coaches, officials, players, fans and administrators must accept fouling as a legitimate coaching strategy.

However, it is true that the NFHS did issue the exact opposite ruling back in a 2000-01 POE:
"Acts that must be deemed intentional include when a coach/player says watch, we're going to foul"..

Last edited by Nevadaref; Thu Nov 15, 2007 at 08:27pm.
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