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Old Wed Nov 07, 2007, 04:15pm
M&M Guy M&M Guy is offline
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Jeff, thanks for the update. I just checked the website this morning and hadn't seen this, so this must've just come out.

I'm glad to see the IHSA change their stance a little. Kurt was the rules interpreter for our meeting just last Thursday, and even then he was still taking the stance that the schools have had 4 years to comply with all the uniform rule changes, and it is still the schools' own fault if they purchased illegal uniforms from a supplier. I can see the logic, but that seems to penalize the kids a great deal (5 T's at the minimum) for something they have no control over. Of course, I still heard the usual grumbling afterwards, "There's no way I'm handing out all those T's to start a game", etc., and that puts the officials who want to call it correctly on the spot. This way, the IHSA can deal directly with the schools on this subject, and we can deal with the game of basketball.
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