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Old Wed Nov 07, 2007, 11:38am
TD21 TD21 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 49
Originally Posted by Ch1town
Veterans tend to be very wise in general & they provide rules knowledge/interps along with little tips that can't be found in rule books.
So ummm yeah I will always "listen" to 'em... without vets who would teach the next generation or should I say genration next
I agree with you that Vets always have something to offer. But in the world of officiating age doesn't always equal experience. There are plenty of guys who have been around a long time who have never gotten very far in officiating while others have gone a long ways in less time. So just because someone has been doing it a long time doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. Listen? Yes. Take what they give and use it in your game? Maybe. Say that because they've been doing it along time so they are always right? No.
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