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Old Wed May 03, 2000, 03:04pm
Todd VandenAkker Todd VandenAkker is offline
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Posts: 378

Originally posted by walter:
Sounds to me like the old adage, "if it is a legitimiate attempt to block a shot" may no longer apply. The way I read this is that if the board is slapped intentionally, (there they go asking us to judge intent again) regardless if it is an attempt to block or not, they want a technical foul called.

I interpret the new wording as SUPPORTING that old adage. The clarification adds two parts, from what I can tell: 1) adding the RING as an appendage that cannot be grabbed to gain an advantage (in addition to putting a hand on the backboard), and 2) adding the word "intentionally." Adding this word, in my mind, is specifically telling us to only call a "T" when it is clear it was done on purpose when the ball is in flight during a try . . . (etc.) and NOT when it is part of an attempt to block that shot. Maybe the explanation that comes with the rule clarification will spell out the committee's intent more fully.
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