Thread: Moving Pile
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Old Fri Oct 12, 2007, 03:34pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by PaulJak
I don't think I was clear enough, in exactly the scenario you are picturing where B takes it out of the A players hands and the ball is never airborne I've got a fumble by Fed definition and therefore a bag. The A player has lost player possession in a manner that is not handing, passing or a legal kick. The key to this being a fumble is that handing, as defined by the rule book, can not occur between opponents. So even though visually it looks like handing, its not handing as the rules define it.

When B strips the ball from A, regardless of if the ball is ever airborne, it is a fumble.
Interesting. It goes back to why a bag is needed. In Canada, we bag a fumble because if there is an IW, it goes back to the team that last had possession, at the Point of Fumble. Hence, the need for the bag. If there is a "takeaway" and an IW goes off, the covering official has to judge if A ever lost possession.

It does make sense that handing cannot occur between opponents.

I actually have a copy of Fed books from '05, but it's not like I ever have time to read them.
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