Originally Posted by rockyroad
Simultaneous, according to the venerable Mr. Webster, means "existing or occuring at the same time"...so the before and after take place at the same time in this scenario...I understand that you don't like the interp., but you really aren't giving a very good argument...the ball has frontcourt status until the moment the player catches it in the backcourt - so the two requirements happen simultaneously.
Anyway...how about them Indians??
Sure the ball has FC status until it is touched in the BC, but before that time that player hadn't touched it (nor had a player of the same team).
Imagine a 80,000# semi approaching an intersection with no traffic controls. The truck is going 75mph. You are in a 1,500# Yugo crossing the intersection on the perpendicular street. You are going 45mph. Do you want to cross the intersection at the same time as the semi or before/after? Go experiment if you like

. I guarantee that you'll find that simultaneous and before don't end the same.