Originally Posted by kbilla
personally I don't have any idea what the score is during the game until around the last two minutes (intentionally)...at halftime I guess I'll glance up there as we are walking off, but it really doesn't matter until you get down to the end from our perspectives...as far as the clock, I also ignore it until I feel we are around a minute left in each quarter/half. Then I'll glance up every dead ball...when we get around 10 seconds with a live ball, I'll glance up and then try to lock down and count down the last 10 seconds or so in my head...seems to work for me..
I would suggest you exclude this method of thinking. You should know everything about the game that you can and you should always know how much time is on the clock. What if a player, when the clock is dead, tosses his teammate the ball and the kid who had the ball thrown to him doesn't touch it till it gets to around halfcourt, and the clock has been running? Or just the opposite, a kid touches the inbound and the clock doesn't start for three seconds? Then what do you do. This is all valuable time in the game, regardless of when it takes place. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS know your clock status! And remember that under 1 min. in the last half that it stops when it clears the net. Don't be afraid to go and reset the time if needs be.
Now I'm going to contradict myself. In you and Joetheref's case, for the time being, I would work on trying to check the clocks, but don't get so caught up on it that you forget to ref the game. Leave it to the more senior refs, they should be able to take care of you until your feet get more than wet. If you work on it little by little it will and should become second nature to check the clock on every transition, every time a shot is attempted, etc.
Once again good luck and have fun.