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Old Wed Oct 10, 2007, 02:45pm
FeetBallRef FeetBallRef is offline
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Originally Posted by mbcrowder
Because of that pesky word "intentional". Read the IG rule if you need clarification - it specifies for you when that rule comes into play.
Going out on a limb here, so don't pound to hard.

He did intentionally change the direction of his throw so that his arm was swinging downward when the ball came out. If his release had been intentional, the ball would have landed at the heels of the offensive linemen therefore the IG would apply. Since his release of the ball was unintentional, we'll signal a incomplete pass even though his intentional direction was down.

What if the hand went down further and the unintentional release of the ball caused the ball to go parallel to or toward A's endline. Would this still be ruled an incomplete pass because he unintentionally released the ball or is it now a fumble since the unintentional release of the pass was parallel to or toward A's endline?
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