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Old Tue Oct 09, 2007, 10:58am
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by mbcrowder
I'm not sure exactly how I'd handle this. I think I might do just what this crew did. "Coach, bring 'em out!!!" And when he refuses, just blow the ready.

If they continued to refuse to play after that - perhaps 1 DOG and then a forfeit. I would not have the itchy trigger finger on that forfeit.
Are you sure you could forfeit, rather than just allowing play to proceed as in the example given? I don't consider it a "travesty", although that's arguable.

It's not one of the situations Fed instituted a few years ago for resuming play, in which both teams need to be ready or it's an infraction. And it's not a case of team A's refusing to play the ball within 2 mins. (or whatever it is in Fed). So I think the procedure that was followed in the case given -- an unopposed snap by A on the try -- is correct.

The next thing you need from the protesting team, assuming neither half ended, is a choice of which team is to kick off. I don't know what the remedy is for refusal to specify a choice offered by the ref. Is it forfeiture of the choice, delay of game, or USC? Or some combination?

No matter what, a kickoff is to follow, and then you're in one of those "resumption of play" situations where both teams have to be ready. If they still refuse, then the common sense solution is a forfeit.

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