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Old Mon Oct 01, 2007, 02:29pm
Jimgolf Jimgolf is offline
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Posts: 944
1) I don't have the current Archos product because I had one of their earlier products, the Jukebox 6000, and I had nothing but trouble with it. The AC stopped charging properly, the battery life was terrible, when running with the AC adapter the Jukebox would turn into a space heater. I believe from reading about the current products that these problems were all due to an incorrect AC adapter being shipped with the product, but it was never recalled and the Technical Support people never picked up the phone or responded to an email or voice message. In addition, the firmware was buggy.

Their current products look terrific, but I would check with current owner reviews before buying any of their products.

2) How many cameramen are willing to let you plug into their camera?
I couldn't afford a cool signature, so I just got this one.
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