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Old Mon Oct 01, 2007, 10:13am
UMP25 UMP25 is offline
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Originally Posted by fitump56
Tuff titties. MLB players who haven't learn to never leave the bag ESPECIALLY on a 3 ball count, until the end of the play has been completely decided, deserve what they get. OUT! Hell if I am going to protect them.
Except that the official ruling in this situation is that such a runner is NOT out, your opinion notwithstanding. Remember, R1 didn't "leave" the bag; he never made it there, which was his right due to B1 being awarded first on a base on balls. The MLBUM specifically says the umpire returns him to the base safely.

Half of me can see how this is very similar to Eddings crashing into Dye; therefore Dye should be protected back to second. The other half of me can see how Dye should, indeed, be called out, because as similar as this is to the R1 being improperly called out situation, it still is a bit different rules-wise.

The remaining half of me wonders if there is, as my colleague Mr. Jenkins above mentions, some internal memo to which we're not privy.
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