NFHS Rules
We had this question come up the other night.
Between downs, there are 11 players in huddle while QB (A11) is over by sideline getting play from coach. QB heads toward the huddle, and A23 heads for the sidelines, we don't ever get 12 in the huddle.
We were discussing this, and some of the issues that came up included
- can you consider QB as a replaced player?
- if QB is "replaced player", then he can't re-enter during same dead ball period
- seems we did have 12 "players" on the field, not just substitues and replaced players
- we know A23 can't be the one to come on the field between downs as a substitute, and then leave right away, because same reason as above A24 could have been the 12th coming onto the field.
- this didn't seem to affect the defense or confuse them, so there didn't appear to be any deception, or if it was intended to deceive, it sure didn't work
does anyone have any thoughts on this, is this one of those that by the letter of the law we have a problem, but when one considers reality and practice it's better to leave the sleeping dog lie?
This just seems to leave a funny taste in the mouth.