Originally Posted by ljd5521
NFHS-Looking for some help with low contact on the defense. It was a point of emphasis this year, that defense player's can not simply "cut' lead blockers. We had a HS Varsity coach all over our WH last week about this. I did not see the play as I am the HL and it went in to the opposite corner on a try.
But as I read further in to it, it also talks extensively about the low contact on the defense being legal on a runner, or "pretended runner."
This leaves lots to interpretation.
So I do not know if the defender just submarined the Fullback or tackled him or what. I guess my question is, what do we need to be looking for to make sure we get this right. Because it will cause some waves when called.
Blocking below the waist is legal only in the CLPA (close line play area), similar to your FBZ.
CLPA: tackle to tackle, and within 2y of LS.