Originally Posted by GarthB
If you read the posts, you will note that I haven't placed blame on anyone. I have criticized those who have permaturely blamed Winters. If at the end of the investigation that's where the blame belongs, so be it. But until then, neither party should be hung in the press or on the boards.
Voice of reason? Nahhhhhh, I've never claimed that. Patient enough to see the facts come out? Yeah. I've grown far more patient over the years.
I also don't feel the need to hide behind a phony name. That's usually for people with something to hide, or cowards or liars.
You and Rich are never going to assign blame to an umpire, I know. Rip Jerry Coleman, whatever. He's a great man and this country still hasn't come close to repaying what he did for this country so blow the Jerry Coleman insults out your myopic wazzzoooos.
For the record, I have just been relaying what I've heard
other people say. I have not formed an opinion either way yet, as the facts are not out there. If Jerry Coleman, who has forgotten (literally) more about baseball than you two put together have ever known says it was horrible, it was horrible. What does being a horrible announcer (Hall of Fame horrible announcer) have to do with the facts?
No matter who did what, it was poorly managed by the umpires any way you look at it, if you take the time to realize that umpires are supposed to be held to a higher standard on the field than the players and coaches. Why, because they are in charge of keeping order. They are the ones who are supposed to keep cool when others are losing their grip on reality. The umpires aren't supposed to go out of their way to set up a player just because they have a history with them. I can bait 'em and run 'em with the best of them, but they have to do something to deserve it. Bradley may or may not have deserved to get run, but they had to work awfully hard to do it.
I said that I would come down on whichever side is at fault. I also said that I was going to wait and see like everyone else. I'm just not blindly putting my faith in the umpires. Don't you remember where I posted and said that I knew Mike personally and that he didn't strike me as someone who would do something like this? I even said in a post to Tyler that I wasn't there and he wasn't there so it's all just speculation still.
I'm not in the "umpires are always right so shut up" camp, I guess.