Originally Posted by JRutledge
I was just giving you and example as to why you saw what you might have seen. I was not there and I was not watching the game. Also understand that the clock on TV is not always accurate to the clock in the stadium. It is possible that time had actually run out and the TV clock time was not the same. I have seen on many occasions where all of a sudden the clock is changed on TV because they were off a few seconds. Other than that, I think you would have to be on the crew to know for sure what happen or have a buddy in the NFL office that has some insight.
I've seen this too in NCAA or HS games on TV. NFL uses a camera actually on the clock - specifically for timing issues such as this one. NBC even showed us a superimposed replay, specifically showing the time that the sack occurred. They showed the clock from the moment of the snap (6 seconds), so it was obviously started at the right moment and was not several seconds off from the TV. It was started on the snap, not the RFP, on this play, and the sack was 3 seconds after the snap.