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Old Mon Sep 24, 2007, 12:13pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by just another ref
I have the new case book here and there doesn't seem to be anything under continuous motion.

4-11-3: Continuous motion does not apply if a teammate fouls after a player has started a try for a goal and before the ball is in flight. The ball becomes dead immediately.
Yes, it says that. It (4-11-2) also says that continuous motion applies if there is a foul by the defense. We had a foul by both. Which rule applies?

6-7-7 can (I think) also be read both ways.

It's clear from the cases that if the try has not started, the POI is still the FT. And, if the ball is in the air, the POI is the result of the FT. WHat's not clear (to me) is what the POI is if it's during the try.
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