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Old Thu May 11, 2000, 11:27am
PublicBJ PublicBJ is offline
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Posts: 124

Originally posted by Hawks Coach:
There should also be a gym supervisor that is responsible for fan conduct. Their responsiblities can range from making sure they don't have food and drinks in the bleachers ( a rule at our school) to ensuring that fans have appropriate behavior at games.

There it is in a nutshell. Game administrators need to be responsible for crowd control. We teach our new referees that they are not to police the crowd, but if they are getting out of control, get the administrators to do something about it.

Unfortunately, many administrators avoid this type of conflict with spectators.

Best story I have is a game I refereed: My wife was watching in the crowd, and a couple kids in the stands were making some inappropriate comments. My wife told them basically to shut up. A lady sitting next to her heard everything that happened, and thanked her for saying something. It was only later that my wife found out the the lady WAS the game administrator. WHY DIDN'T THE ADMIN SAY SOMETHING HERSELF?

This lack of action happens at way too many schools...

Brian Johnson

[This message has been edited by PublicBJ (edited May 11, 2000).]
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