Originally Posted by RichMSN
You believe that because that's what's been taught to you. It doesn't make it inherently correct.
I prefer this quote, myself:
"One of the really wrong theories about officiating is that a good official is one you never notice. The umpire who made that statement was probably a real poor official who tried to get his paycheck and hide behind his partners and stay out of trouble all his life. Control of the ballgame is the difference between umpires that show up for the players and the managers." -
Umpire Bruce Froemming
I'm pretty sure he was talking about making the correct call in difficult situations.... not about wearing (ohhh lets see... just from this weekend's tournament) patent leather military shoes... pants so tight they ride up halfway up the shin guards...white gardening gloves (my personal favorite yes!!) hats on backwards (sigh) ballbags on the bases) and a myriad of bad mechanics. these are the things i dont want to be noticed for. now wearing a nice quality low priced shirt would be ok