Originally Posted by GPC2
I know this is gonna sound stupid, but I practice my signals in front of the mirror all of the time...
Doesn't sound stupid at all !!
I did precisely that (a suggestion by a clinician we brought over to the UK in the 1980's) when I started working the Referee spot and it helped me a lot. I don't practice my announcements in the bathroom (

) but I do visualise them together with my signals in my mind.
My best tip would be to make your signal and announcement slower. Then make it slower again. The sidelines will appreciate being given the time to see and hear the penalty. It is usually my #1 point when I am doing an assessment of a White Hat.
If there is a chance of watching yourself on video, then do it. You will be amazed at how bad you look

It really helps and will make you concious of getting into an empty bit of the field away from the huddles where you can be seen, STANDING STILL, giving a slow signal and a clear, slow announcement.