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Old Tue Sep 04, 2007, 10:57pm
Forksref Forksref is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
You can tell them whatever you like. Football officiating is a community effort. Do you tell a wing not to call holding and only watch the ball carrier too? And how is a wing not going to concentrate on players that are possibly their keys? So many things are wrong with that statement.

We have a saying, "Watch players, not the ball." Therefore, not often do we watch the runner, prior to imminent contact. And, I've never had a back as a key for anyone. Our keys are on the line. I can't think of any of the 5 positions which uses a back as a key.

I've never told anyone not to call holding. And, if a wing calls a FS on a back, I can accept that, but I will ask if they are watching their keys on the line.
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