Originally Posted by M&M Guy
Ok, here's one of them "huh!" statistics I heard the other night. While listening to the Cubs game, the announcers mentioned that on that date a few years back, one of the Cub outfielders made an unassisted double play.
Since stats have been kept, there have been 13 unassisted
triple plays. None, however, by an outfielder. There was another one credited in 1878 but under today's scoring rules, it would have only been an unassisted double play.
FWIW - Bill Wambsganss had his in the same World Series game in which Elmer Smith hit the first grand slam in Series history (Oct. 10, 1920). I know, I was there.
BTW - the first unassisted triple play in NL history was made Oct. 6, 1923 by a Boston Braves shortstop named Ernie Padgett. We're related on my uncle Ernie the Muppet's side. Here he is with his live-in boyfirend, Bert (not that there's anything wrong with that).