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Old Wed Aug 29, 2007, 10:56am
Old School Old School is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
1) Wrong. I'm simply telling officials to completely ignore what you wrote.
I already stated that in my follow-on message after every post.

There was, and is, absolutely no merit to what you suggest. If you have to worry about ejecting somebody, then stick to rec leagues. Officiating at other levels is not for you, or for anyone else that would even dream about following your advice.
I disagree. Remember, I did not see him throw the chair. Okay, a chair from the bench is out there on the floor. Is it not out the realm of possibly that a fan from the stands came down and threw the chair. Remember, just because I didn't see it doesn't mean the camera didn't see it, and it doesn't mean that the coach can't get fined afterwards. It just means he didn't get penalized for it in the game.

My decision to not add insult to injury does have merit, whether you accept it or not. Again, different story if i see him do it.

2) Wrong. By not handling it, you're telling the coach that he has carte blanche to do whatever the hell he feel likes. You're also telling the players and fans that you don't have the cojones to take care of bidness. You're the one who looked like a fool, not the coach.
I don't know how you come to the conclusion that if someone else does something stupid, it makes the referee look stupid. I did not throw a chair like I'm a immature child. That's like saying Atlanta is stupid for hiring Michael Vick to QB their team, when the person who is stupid is Vick, period.

I will engage you to the extent that I let the coach get away with one. And that's exactly it, that's your one. It's like letting your opponent have the first punch. I will be waiting the next time and i will still write his a$$ up for a chair being throw from his bench. In the NBA or NCAA or even NFHS, technical or not, he will still get a heafty fine for that act. So you see JR (aka master silly monkey) he's not getting away with anything.

I know it's difficult but try not to jump to conclusions....