Originally Posted by Lcubed48
A comment on JR's note #2:
Three years ago during my first season, I passed on giving the coach a TF. I saw his action. He deserved one. I talked myself in to letting him slide because I didn't want to penalize his team with the outcome on the line. Boy, was I wrong on that one! I allowed his bad behavior to go unpunished. I haven't let that happen again. I had him once each the past seasons with no other outbreaks, but his action has been and will be included in my pregame.
Some(not all) coaches are like two year olds. They'll push you to see what they can get away with. And if they can get away with something, they ain't gonna stop. And, like some parents, there's a million excuses to be made also for allowing the two year old to get away with his nonsense without any discipline.
We aren't allowed to spank coaches anymore, but we can still make them go sit in a corner when they're bad.