Thread: Stupid rule...
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Old Tue Aug 28, 2007, 09:20am
Skahtboi Skahtboi is offline
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The article seems to support my original statement:

Why can some pitchers handle lots of innings and others can't? Much of it has to do with their preparation: their preseason training, their mechanics.


The conventional wisdom appears to be true: The underhand pitching motion of fast-pitch softball, though whip-like and vigorous, is far more natural than the overhand baseball pitch and puts less strain on the elbow and shoulder.

Please note that I didn't say injuries to the arm were impossible, that would be absurd. What I was discussing was the lack of necessity for a pitch count rule to be put into softball based on the fact that injuries of the type which they are made to prevent are less likely in softball, with proper coaching and proper mechanics.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.

Last edited by Skahtboi; Tue Aug 28, 2007 at 10:59am.
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