Originally Posted by JPRempe
The simple rule is that if you have to use an apostrophe (can't, won't, shouldn't), it should be spelled as two words if you actually choose not to use the contraction version.
Okay, since this thread has been highjacked anyway...
I would dispute this statement. The "simple rule" is to place the appostrophe where the missing letters were when you make a contraction. Saying the reverse is true is like saying since all un-hit balls passing through the strike zone are strikes that all strikes are un-hit balls passing through the strike zone (which improperly excludes foul tips, etc.).
Originally Posted by "MerriamWebster
a shortening of a word, syllable, or word group by omission of a sound or letter;
Ever seen "Int'l" to mean "International"? Where does the space go in this case?
But, FTR, "cannot" and "can not" are both equally accepted spellings. And if you personally find one unusual and it helps you remember a funny rule, I don't have any problem with that.