Originally Posted by Tim C
fitump56 . . . you are a odd sort.
When you become an umpire get back too me.
Tim, the real problem is that I am much more the umpire than damn near all of your clique here. That's what really bothers you and your forum friends. If I were you and your friends, I would react the same way to Donovan fitump56and to me. You and the others have years invested in dominatiing this forum, most of it with honest intent. The dishonesty of your presence comes whenever your honesty, or lack of it, is challenged. Your agenda fast forwards into control freak mode. The rubberized weapons used are childish attempts to degrade posters who don't smoke in the boys bathrooms with your clique.
The really, truly sad part of your absurd exercise is that The Clique will drag down any attempts to introduce any non-Clique concepts, why are you so threatened?
Someone has to say this to you (plural) so that you can ignore it; life is much more pleasurable when you allow for the expression, not the suppression, of ideas. The mark of an educated umpire is the openness of his mind.
There, you have got your FYI, proceed normally, I meant abnormally, of course.