Originally Posted by canadaump6
The pivot at first base may be one of the most over-rated mechanics out there. It makes it easier to lose sight of the ball, and is a broken ankle waiting to happen.
Yea, I agree, I think as a Base Umpire I should be allowed to stand behind first no matter what happens on the field. This way I never have to take my "eye" off the ball.
If the PU can get off his butt and watch for the other runners, NOT MY PROBLEM. I am only a BASE, Umpire. I should only have to cover one, at a time.
There is just NO WAY I am going to be caught doing fancy circles in the infield. Besides, if I should happen to fall and break my nails in front of all thoses spectator type people, OH MY GOD, it just gives me chills thinking about it, OH MY GOD.