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Old Tue Aug 21, 2007, 02:45pm
CoachP CoachP is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
You said my example was apples and oranges, so is this example. Golf, tennis and soccer are not revenue college sports or revenue sports at the HS level either. If you need to know golf, tennis and soccer are all played in the fall or spring depending on gender. I am sure this is done on the either side to prevent taking kids away from the major sports.

I believe Lacrosse plays both genders at that same time. After all these sports you mentioned are outdoor sports and it would be very hard to move these sports to the winter in the Midwest. We all know that football, basketball and baseball/softball are king. The other sports would have little participation if you moved those sports to other times.

It is changing, now what? The bottom line the sky is not falling and you will adjust and get used to it like everyone else. All these other issues that you keep bring up are not very good reasons to keep girl's basketball in the fall. If the rest of the country is not having an issue with this, why is Michigan so behind the times on this? All I am hearing is little sarcastic comments about why the lawsuit was really brought. I just wanted to hear a compelling argument for things to stay the same. If all you can come up with are shots on Title IX and the motives behind the lawsuit that explains why this lawsuit was successful.


So... golf for boys is fall and golf for girls is spring? Last I checked golf courses were full of men and women at the same time. What does gender have to do with it? So are Illinois golf parents gonna sue because there kids do or don't play in the Fall? And what does revenue have to do with anything? This is HS athletics, extracurricular, etc.....

Lacrosse!!??!! If it wasn't for Duke, who'd know what the heck that was!?

If Michigan was so far behind the times, why are we in the top 5 for girls scholarships in the country for those 2 sports? Maybe all the other states are doing it wrong if all HS sports is about scholarships and revenue....

I can accept change,..I will accept change. I will coach in the winter, and maybe get Mick to officiate one of my contests.

But, I don't need to give a compelling argument on why to stay the same. I thought the law was about innocent until proven guilty? It wasn't broke don't mess with it, and I find it hard to believe that Michigan will pass the likes of Cal, Tex, NY...whoever, in number of scholarships.
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