Originally Posted by CO ump
Speaking to OP
Was your evaluator saying you're too quick on the the bangers?
If so, you need to do something to correct it, but I agree waiting 10-15 secs on no brainers is way too long and not helping your timing on close plays.
There was one play with the ball in the dirt and I originally thought I saw the ball in the glove and was going to bang the runner out. As I was starting to stand up to call the out, I saw the ball behind F3's foot. I then quickly lifted both arms and signalled safe saying, "No catch." and then pointed at the loose ball.
The evaluator said that I was "way to early on the call" and need to work on timing. However, that was the only situation where he could point out an early call and there had to be 5 or 6 bang-bang plays that game.
I think evaluator feel they "have" to find something to complain about and timing is something that is so easy to pick on. Just as is being too close or far from the catcher behind the plate.