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Old Wed Apr 17, 2002, 11:07am
Carl Childress Carl Childress is offline
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Originally posted by BlueGhost_Scout
Dear Ex-Blue,
I should be saying ex-protest committe,

I can't tell you how much this pissed me off. Because I'm on the west coast and up late, I saw your post before it had a response. I was so dumbfounded I couldn't reply. Half of me says good riddins to bad rubbish. Any organization that is as screwed up as your's diserves to loose a good, hard working, caring worker. The other half says sue the Bass Tirds.

Fortunately, it sounds like Carl has some good adcvice. Meanwhile, the season is moving on. You are already missing games. This is a travisty of the Highest Degree.

We are all subject to make honest mistakes. You didn't in this case. What's next? The protest committee decides your strike zone is too Hi/Lo/Narrow/Wide? I'm willing to bet not a single person (if they can be called persons) on that committee is /was an umpire. Another travisty!

Carl, you have enough friends (and advesaries) in high enough places to seriously give Mr. Ex-Blue the help he so urgently needs. I can't possibly imagine anything more important to every reader of this BB than to see this kind on flagrant Malicious Conduct challenged.

Ex-Blue, you certainly don't want to rub salt in the wounds of your association, but if this doesn't change REAL SOON, please publish the names, addresses, e-mail adresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, of every idiot involved. Don't stop there, go for the school board members (city, county, and State), Athletic Commission members (city, county and state), SCHOOL FINANCE COMMITTEE (city, county, and state). We might have some really poor umps in our groups, but they NEVER get to the level of incompetence that your associotion / protest committee has reached.


I'm beginning to smell a rat. We've heard nothing from Ex Blue in public, and I've heard nothing from him in private.

Perhaps he's Ex Internet Subscriber.

Or, perhaps he was pulling our legs in honor of April Fool's Day.

[Edited by Carl Childress on Apr 17th, 2002 at 12:34 PM]

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