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Old Fri Aug 17, 2007, 02:21pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Originally Posted by Smitty
I've never understood the whole shiny shoes thing for referees. I am guessing it's something that probably started a very long time ago when the shoes refs wore probably were not really athletic shoes. I think it's outdated and it looks awful. I will never shine my sneakers unless my assignor tells me I need to.
I disagree with you there. A shined pair of shoes looks good no matter what kind of shoes they are. This the very reason why there still are shoe shin stands in airports. Also if your shoes shine it just looks a lot better than dull, bland shoes. We even shine our shoes in football and baseball and the minute you walk onto the field they are not shined anymore. But it just looks like you care about your appearance and care about other things going on during the game. Since a large part of what we do is presentation, you do not go to a presentation looking like you just rolled out of bed with hair not combed and taking a shower. You put your best foot forward (no pun intended) and look like you take this seriously. The same goes for having your pants pressed or making sure your shirt does not have frayed edges.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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