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Old Thu Aug 16, 2007, 03:09pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by bluezebra
Yes there's a point. Too many times umpire's make the 'obvious' call, even though it's not the correct one. There are many who are advocates of this. In the game mentioned, the Cubs' runner slid into second. The fielder had the ball in plenty of time to get the tag and the out. But he held his glove ABOVE the base, not down in front, or on the runner. The second base ump called the runner safe. It was the correct call, because no tag was made. As I said, there are many umpires who say that if the fielder has the ball in time to make the tag, and is close enough, give him the out.

Then if that is the point you are trying to make, it is a very bad one.

The only thing most of us have advocated is if the throw clearly beats a runner and there is a decent tag applied along with a slide directly into the tag, we are going to give the benefit of the doubt to the defense. Usually at the amateur level we are not in perfect position to make a call like this (I did see the play BTW) like the Major League Umpire had. Often that call is made from 30 yards away and from a totally different angle that an umpire in the Major Leagues would have. This would not apply if a slide was away from the fielder or was a good effort to avoid the tag. This is quite a different situation from what Don is trying to make. Actually he does not even understand what he is advocating. Not sure you do either Bob.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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