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Old Wed Aug 15, 2007, 10:17pm
Fozzie Fozzie is offline
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Location: Pearland, TX
Posts: 39
Originally Posted by jimpiano
Just what is that "non-verball dead ball signal" on page225?

Page 222 in defining dead ball signals leaves it up to the umpire to "come up with a good dead ball signal".

I gave you my idea.

What is yours?

And the second part of the question is why should stealing be prohibited just becasue the ball fell short off, or touched, the plate?
Page 222 does not "define" dead ball signals. It does however does give a lot of information on dead ball situations. And when the book says "come up with a good dead ball signal" I think they mean come out of your set position and excute a nice crisp dead ball signal. And NOT permission to make up your own signal.

Page 264 gives you what that signal should look like. With pictures and everything.

As for the second part of you post. Prehaps the simple answer is the crazy bounces the ball can take before it reaches the plate or when it hits the plate or its edge. But that would make sense so I am most likely wrong.

Jeff Merriman
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