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Old Wed Aug 15, 2007, 02:00pm
jimpiano jimpiano is offline
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
Well, it's been a couple of years since they added stealing to ASA men's SP. I've only called one ASA state tourney since it was added, and they didn't allow stealing. None of the rec leagues where I call have added it, either, so I have zero experience with the rule.

Since Mike has opened up the channels of communication regarding rule changes, I figure now would be the appropriate time to bring up the subject (though I didn't want any debate to be in Mike's thread, as his was for suggestions for rule changes).

What are everyone's thoughts on stealing in SP? Has it worked well for ASA? Or are there revisions/clarifications in the rules/mechanics that should be made?

The floor is yours.
Only had a few games with stealing and those with teams who had not much more experience.

Think it is good for getting the catcher more in the game and it does, it seems, speed up the game.

Most awkward part is having to declare the ball "dead" if it does not pass the plate so the runner knows not to attempt a steal. It cries for a visual sign, maybe a fist pumP?

Or what would be wrong with allowing stealing, even on a pitched ball that does not cross the plate?
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