Originally Posted by celebur
But he wasn't unsure--the ball was clearly on the ground. The only question is how it got there, and asking the fielder to SHOW ME THE BALL doesn't help at this point.
Personally, if I didn't know how the ball got to the ground, safe is the only call I can make.
Originally Posted by TussAgee11
I see a good tag, a bit of possession, and start to come up from my set with an OUT call. However, the next thing I see is the ball in the legs of the runner who is lying on the ground.
Not to bash Tuss on this, I think we've all done something similar at some point, but from his own words he started to signal 'safe' but then saw the ball on the ground. He wasn't 'unsure', he was simply wrong.
Timing, timing, timing. See the ball. If you don't see it ask for it. The extra second or two makes all the difference in the world. One play/one call. If the fielder can't produce the ball you signal safe and sell it, if needed, by stating that the fielder does not have possession of the ball.