Four years ago I was working a girl’s seasonal final playoff for first place. I was “bumped” by the HC of the home team when I issued a warning to the pitcher for a quick pitch. I forfeited the game to the visiting team and called the police because the FD refused to when I requested assistance.
The HC left and went home before the police arrived and after the investigation, the police told me that since I was able to stay on my feet, I would not be able to make any charges “stick” for assault.
One of the umpires in my association heard about this and told everyone that it had to be my fault as the HC was a friend of his and he never would have touched anyone.
This same umpire will argue with parents and make calls that will get him yelled at all the time.
He will bad mouth his fellow umpires to any coach that has a complaint and will agree with any coach about any call.
He has been around for a long time and cries constantly about not getting any of the “good” games.
He even give your local “smithies” a bad name.