Having read this forum for a few years before joining, I have often heard of the "Little League Smitty", i.e. wearing a ball bag on the bases, brushing of the bases with a plate brush between innings, often. I personally had never seen this phenomenon. I took it to be an urban legend........
........until Friday.
I was asked to officiate at our local LL district tournament finals. During the game U2 and U3 brushed off the bases with a plate brush (U3 stored his in his trusty ball bag). U3 also scraped off the pitching rubber between innings.
After the game I was lauded by the UIC for doing an excellent job (had alot of bangers at 1st), but he said my mechanics were poor. I asked him to elaborate.
I didn't yell out "Foul" on every foul ball, I did not loudly verbalize "Out" on routine outs at 1st. And I challenged the notion that three good sized adults should "buttonhook" into the middle of the infield on base hits to the outfield.
Damn, all that money wasted at Evans and Gerry Davis clinics. I wonder if I can get my money back.