I think we all were 'thin skinned' when we first started out. I know I took everything that was said to me very personally and probably would describe that as being offended. As we gain experience, and confidence, then I would hope that the things said and done on the ball field would no longer be taken personally.
Most times the coaches and players aren't reacting to you personally, but as a figure of authority who is telling them what they can and can't do. I have found that there are adults who don't like being told what to do, they are leaders in their off the field lives, and are used to being 'in charge'. They push back and bristle when someone takes that power away from them.
A very good example of this is when I had to eject a coach who worked at the same company I did. He was a Sr. VP, had a reputation as a 'hard a*&' and ruled his roost. Well, the field is MY domain when I work a game. He didn't quite agree with that, and we still tease each other when we see each other at work.
Bob P.
We are stewards of baseball. Our customers aren't schools or coaches or conferences. Our customer is the game itself.