Thu Jul 12, 2007, 05:04pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2002
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Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Old School:
If little Billy does something that warrants ejection, then I guess that Grandpa or Aunt Mary are out of luck. And I did have a situation similar to your hypothetical situation: Girls' H.S. varsity soccer game. I am the Head Referee in a Dual System officiating crew. H1 is wearing a cast, that is padded, but still illegal. H1's sister, who was attending college away from home, had returned home to see her sister play. Today's game would be the only time that the older sister would get a chance to see her younger sister play that year. I did not let play H1 play because of the cast, even though her coach said that other officials had let her play with the cast including my partner who was the Head Referee in Home team's last game three days before.
Officials are paid big bucks to make the tough decisions. If you can't stand the heat, then stay out of the kitchen.
As others have said, I am glad I do not have to officiate with you.
MTD, Sr.
May I inquire what exactly was "still illegal" about the cast since it is permissible for players to wear hard casts in an NFHS game if it is properly padded and there is a medical release present. (4-2-1c and play ruling 4.2.1 Situation C) What specifically about the situation made you withhold referee approval?
4.2.1 Situation C: A player wears a hard cast on an arm or a hard splint on a finger that has been covered with a foam-rubber padding and then wrapped securely with a soft elastic athletic bandage. RULING: Legal. Players may participate if wearing a hard cast or hard splint if properly padded and with medical permission and referee approval.