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Old Thu Jul 12, 2007, 09:01am
Bandit Bandit is offline
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Ok, my turn.....

About the participation comments and their differences. The original comment about particiaption I believe was made by bkbjones. The comment was taken in the context that participation was all about the fun of participation. I believe in the HS format or context and with the fact that there are indeed try-outs and cuts made in most cases the game is taken a little bit more "seriously" then at the local rec/league level. If this was not the direction or context mr jones was implying I apologize for my misinterpretation. I believe this can be supported up by the differences of the words particpation and participants. One must have cause and/or purpose and the other simply represents numbers or fact. A big difference. Again an opinion of this particular author.

In respoxe to Mr SRW writing in post # 31 in this particular thread: "Please provide links to those posts where someone/anyone posted that NFHS is "not about highly skilled softball." Please refer to the comments of Mr Jones in post # 17 where he writes: " Finally, NFHS isn't about playing games at "a high level of competition." NFHS is about participation." I believe while the exact words used may not used (highly skilled vs high level) the context or implication is certainly the same.

Bottom line I believe is certainly been made and that this is a choice the players, parents and coaches are now able to make on an individual basis. And this choice is now the same for both boys and girls.

Where any humor or joking has been made in the previous comments or posts I do not know, so the comment by Irishmafia about being "a finalist in the Last Comic Standing series" is a little confusing. But this is not the first time he's has confused me or others and it probally will not be the last time. In fact I believe if any individual were to ask Mr Irishmafia about some of his comments and what some think of them. They might wish that he would keep some of them more to himself. This of course is no secret as Mr Irishmafia has made that fact known himself thru past threads. But he always makes it interesting to say the least and we can always be sure he will have an opinion. That's probally what keeps me coming back.

One last comment about the cleat topic. What will be interesting to watch is what individual HS's or state HS organizations will choose to possible ignore or change this position at the local or state level.

And finally, whewwwwww, for some clearification and information. At least 2 individuals have been responding to this interesting thread. One from the point of coaching and one from the opionion of an umpire/coach. But as an individual (that would be the umpire/coach) who has had the oppurtunity to visit and participate on some of the finest softball fileds in college softball. One of which is the University of Louisville's softball field. And also the field in which this thread has mentioned, the care and condition of these two fields are comparable beyond anyones possilble belief or comprehension. In short. No raking is needed! Pictures available upon request, right coach?
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