That's ok
I can't believe bkbjones stated "NFHS is about participation". Last time I checked most high schools have either if not both: "try-outs" &/or "cuts". Participation rules are for the local "rec" league, they don't "try-out" or have "cuts".
Don't think or believe that by this comment that I think there is not a places for the local rec league. I have umpired and coached softball at all levels. At the highschool field and the local park. These is a place and a need for both. There are some that just need to know where the line for both is drawn. My personal opinion is that by bkbjones comment is that he one of those that needs to learn where that line is, or at least where and which fields the different games are being played on.
I just hope I never see any posts about how bad bkbjones last night HS game was or how long it took to get threw the terrible pitching his last nights HS game provided. Because he did indeed state HS ball is about "participation".