Your honor,
I hereby submit Exhibit A, covering several items but not quite making sense about any of them. The overall failure of the US public school system would be paramount. Secondly, your honor, I believe this is just cause for one of our favorite cliches: "stupid coaches."
Attending a freaking clinic doesn't mean someone knows or doesn't know how to properly teach sliding, slide rule or anything else. I know two high school basketball coaches who, between the two, have won almost 2,000 games. They have freely admitted they are lost when it comes to coaching some aspects of post play.A coach who admits their shortcomings and works to overcome them is worth far more than any grain of salt.
Now, as far as putting down Irishmafia, you have no idea of whom or what you speak. Mike doesn't need me to defend him, but I will wager dollars to donuts he has done more on a national level than you, sir, have done on a local level -- not to mention the work Mike has done on a local and state level.
Finally, NFHS isn't about playing games at "a high level of competition." NFHS is about participation. Renton (WA) High School hasn't won 10 games in five years, but there have been about 200 girls who have participated. There are far more Rentons out there than whatever school you claim to coach.
(Oh, and if you would get your butt out there with a rake and make the field a little better, maybe you wouldn't have so many pulls, blown whatevers, et cetera.)
Originally Posted by Bandit
Hey...Irish gangster guy....You say all this knowledge you have comes from first hand experience??? Including coaching...... Well, I think if any coach is worth a grain of salt they need to know how to teach sliding properly. So you are saying that all baseball coaches properly teach sliding? Is that why they get to use them? Maybe you do not know how to teach it but they have clinics for that if you would like to attend. I have had countless girls go on to play in college and they all come back and ask why they could not wear metal cleats in high school. I personally wrote letters to the federation trying to get the rule changed. Needless to say, I think they made the right decision.
You dont see girl basketball players wearing penny loafers do you? No, they play on the same surface that the boys do and they are permitted to wear the same type of shoe because it gives them the best traction. Listen carefully, I will type slow so you can understand me....the rule doesnt state that they HAVE to wear them. It just gives them the option.
There is a reason why high school baseball, college baseball and softball, pro baseball and softball wear them. They dont wear them because they sound cool walking on concrete!!!! They give you better traction. If you played something other then rec -league slow pitch, you would realize that games and players that are played at a high level need good traction on many different types of surfaces.
Dont bash high school coaches......I am one and I take offense to your biased view of the female ego comment and I am a male coach. Sounds like someone needs a bigger soap box. I applaud the federation for finally making the change. Let me thing is you will be for madatory face mask for the centerfielder and everyone using wiffle ball bats!!!
Stick to learning where the strike zone actually is and let the coaches and players deal with equipment issues that helps the athlete perform at a higher level. By the way scrapes and cuts heal a lot faster than pulled muscles or blown ACLs due to slipping or sliding.....