Originally Posted by Boiler14
1) I really wasn't counting up "warnings". Nothing was going on except FT's being shot so the game wasn't being delayed. She was told to stop the first time and didn't. I told her she had to sit before the ball was put back in play and didn't. Yes...I may have told her she had to sit down a few times, but there was no need to whack her until play was ready to resume. That is just my opinion in this case.
2) I guess this just tells me that unless you are actually at the situation you really can't assume you would do anything different. Putting things in words doesn't tell you what the emotion (or lack thereof) of any situation described and that is an important element.
I say this sincerely because I really can't imagine many other veterans would have dumped her much quicker based on what happened. We gave her ample time to comply (without delaying the game) which is alot better than quick trigger in my book.
1) Nothing was going on?

Read NFHS rule 10-5NOTES1 lately? After losing their coaching box privileges, the head coach is not supposed to be on their feet during FT's, unless it's to do some coaching duties that are explicitly laid out in the rules. As far as I can see, b!tching at the officials isn't one of the coaching duties listed. Loss of coaching box privileges applies to free throws.
2) I don't need to be at this situation to have my opinion. Reading about it is enough. I'm a veteran. I wouldn't dream of ever letting a coach get away with that kind of nonsense. She dared you multi-times to follow up on your warnings, and neither you or your partner had the...um...testicular fortitude to stand up to her. Why warn her at all if you're not gonna do anything about it? By your own admission, there was at least SIX warnings given out, and absolutely nothing was done after the first
FIVE. No wonder she ignored you. If you didn't follow up on your first bunch of warnings, why would she expect that you'd all-of-a-sudden decide to say "Enuff's enuff".
You wanted comments. You got mine. Sorry, but that's my opinion. I really didn't expect you to like or agree with it.