Originally Posted by Teigan
So with us Canadians going to FIBA this year, I've started studying a little early, and I've hit a stump.
Rule 4
Article 8.8 & 8.9
If a foul is committed when or just before the game clock signla sounds for the end of playing time, any eventual free throw(s) shall be taken after the end of playing time.
"If an extra period is required as a a result of this free throw(s) then all fouls that are committed after the end of playing time shall be considered to have occurred during an interval of play and the free throw(s) shall be administered before the beginning of the extra period."
I understand 8.8, but 8.9 confuses me.
I've tried to create a scenario to help me explain this to myself.....
While the horn is going A1 fouled B1 with the score @ 68-70, and if B1 scored both free throws making the score 70-70.(So were going to overtime right??)
But while B1 is shooting, A2 fouls B3, and now B3 is shooting. If B3 only makes one shot and the score is 71-70....are we still going to overtime????
Anyone want to help me?
There can be no foul after the sound of the final horn. Article 8.9 has been written in order to take care of unsporting behavior after the end of regulation.
If there are free throws resulting from a foul just on the final horn (and there has been no timing error), the free throws have to be shot anyway, with the lane cleared.
Suppose there is an unsporting behavior of a coach or player in the meantime (i.e., between the horn and the end of the free throws). This behavior cannot be penalized in the game, unless the free throws make the score even. In this case the game must go to overtime and the technical foul for the unsporting behavior can be assessed
during an interval of play, hence penalized before the start of the overtime.
In the other cases (i.e., the score is not even after the FT), the unsporting behavior cannot be penalized in the game, which has ended, and will only be reported to the proper authority.
In general, it's impossible to assess penalties after the final horn, even if the scoresheet has not been already signed and the officials are still on the court. Any improper behavior must be reported, though.
Please, I'm only explaining FIBA rules, I'm not their author.

Don't shoot at me. But no, Mark, I don't surrender.